Le cheval fougueux qui courra vite pour gagner la course,
courra plus vite s’il est encouragé.The spirited horse which will run fast to win the race,
will run faster if encouraged. Ovid
A native of Barcelona, Spain, who studied art and graphic design at the Massana School of Art in Barcelona, Xavier Ortega brings his passion for wildlife to Propac Images with these stunningly beautiful images of the Camarague horses of France. They are known for their spirit and intelligence, possessing a deep chest, well-muscled body, well-jointed, strong limbs and a full mane and tail. Living in the Camargue, a wetland area south of Arles in the Rhône River delta, they run free through the water and sand in small herds that consist of a stallion, his mares, and off-spring. They are an ancient breed, no doubt related to the horses painted on the walls of the caves of Lascaux more than 17,000 years ago; and those used by Julius Caesar during his campaign in Gaul.