“It is said that the winters in Scandinavia are so cold that even the Good Humor man is in a bad mood.”

For a spot that is only three degrees south of the Arctic Circle, the winter climate of Ikornnes on Norway’s western coastline, where Stressless recliners are designed and made, is more temperate than one would think. A warm and steady ocean current helps. So too, do the effects of a wind called “foehn” which make the coast warmer than the inland mountains and forests. And mountain climbers know to beware of the foehn for it makes ice and snow melt and rocks loose.
In Norway, schools have a compulsory winter Ski Day, and every child takes to the hills and forests on their cross-country skis.

Skiing usually means cross-country, but the thrill of alpine skiing (downhill or ‘slalom’) and ski-jumping is a close second and third. As for the lakes and ponds, speed-skating, ice dancing and ice hockey are all popular.

And if that is not enough to do, then tobogganing down snow covered hills is a thrill. In the cities and villages, children and adults are busy making snow-caves, snow-castles and snowmen and snowwomen to liven up the streets and parks. Or, one could stay home in a Stressless recliner and read all about it.